Agricultural engineer Doctor and superior diplomated in viticulture and enology (Universidad Politécnica de Madrid) Diplomated international courses in viticulture and enology from I.N.I.A. (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food and Ministry of Foreign Affairs).
Enotechnic proffesor in I.F.P. School and museum of vine and wine. Enology proffesor in E.U.I.T. Proffesor of Internac Course, Viticultura and Enology of I.N.I.A. Master´s degree proffesor of viticulture, enology and wine business management (La Rioja University) Master´s degree proffesor of viniculture, enology and wine marketing. International and social science council from UNESCO. Basque Culinary Centre Proffesor.
General Director of Viñedos do Rosal y Adegas das Eiras-TerrasGauda Association, Technical Director and oenologist of Bodegas Bilbainas and Produce Director of Bodegas Legaris.
Advisor and Technical Consultant to wineries in different appellations. Author of several research works and technical books, as well as articles on Viticulture and Oenology published since 1981 and lectures on Viticulture and Oenology given since 1983.
José Cascón” Awards to the Final Project and Doctoral Thesis of the Colegio Oficial de Ingenieros Agrónomos de Centro 1977 and 1987. Honourable Mention for the “Pedro Ferrer Bosch” Wine Research Award. ENOMAQ Wine Research Competition 1986 and 1990. Best Winemaker of the Year 1987 Tastavins Academy of St. Humbert. Viticulture Award 2002 for the book “Ingeniería y Mecanización Vitícola” and Oenology Award 2004 for the book “Tratado de Enología” (O.I.V.) Gold Medal for Oenological Merit Spanish Federation of Oenologists’ Associations. O.I.V. Award for the book “La Rioja, sus Viñas y sus Vinos” as co-author. Winemaker Award 2016 Biennial of Gastronomy and Painting. Casa Consuelo. Mass Vino de Comunicación Award from the Asoc. de Comunicadores del Vino en Medios.
Huge number of wine medals in differents Internacional Tournaments.