Consultant of the Argraf company

From the covid crises to a NEW crisis: supplies, transport,...

Alberto Pérez Nalda has a deep and wide professional career, with more than 30 years of experience.

He began work in 1970 in the company was called López Romero time ago, and now is called Romero Maquinaria Vinícola, company what makes wine machines. Working on this charge until 1971.

In the same year, began in Imprenta Moderna, going through several areas of production. Is 1988 when he became a commercial for this company.

Although is was not his last definitive change, in 1990 he skyrocketed to ARGRAF as a Commercial Director. Finally, in 2019 he transformed his profile and became and consultant of the company, where his large experience in the sector and the label system are a potential to server the company.